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Minutes of the January 9, 2024 Meeting
Board of Trustees of the Beacon Meadows Special Dependent Tax District
Northdale Park & Rec, 15510A Hooting Owls Place., Tampa, Florida


Trustees Present:        Wendy McCrorey (President), Dena Galyardt (Vice President), Barbara Appel (Treasurer), Penny Phillips (Secretary), Allen McCrorey (Trustee), Steve Castry (Trustee), Carol Coon (Trustee)


The meeting was called to order by Wendy at 7:03 p.m.


Secretary's Report

The minutes of the December 2023 Board meeting were read in advance by Trustees.  Carol made a motion, seconded by Wendy, that the minutes be approved.  The motion was approved by a vote of 7-0. 


Treasurer’s Report (December 2023) (rounded to nearest dollar)

Revenue from previous month:  $25,635


     Utilities - $144 (43.00)

     Landscape maintenance - $815 (46.00)

Cash in bank:  $80,420

Available to spend:  $67,920


Barbara reported that it is her understanding TECO will be lowering electric bills about 11% beginning with the January statement.


Old Business


Status of FY23 Unaudited Financial Statement – Barbara reported that she is waiting for the State financial system to be accessible so the statement can be certified in that system. This topic was tabled until a future Board meeting.


County Watering Restriction – Wendy reported that Allen changed the irrigation system timers to operate one day per week at both entrances to comply with the restriction, based on the addresses assigned to the entrances.


Purchase of Additional Holiday Decorations – Dena experienced health issues during the time of the holiday sales, so she was unable to purchase additional decorations then.


Repairs to Gunn Hwy. Wall – No update available. This topic was tabled until a future Board meeting.


New Business


Unexpected Pruning of Crepe Myrtles at Gunn Hwy. Entrance – Wendy reported that the crepe myrtles were pruned in mid-December by the Gator crew without prior notification to the District. When they were trimmed last year, Wendy was told by Jim Sears that he would need to charge $200 in the future but that they could be pruned every other year, so she was surprised when they were severely pruned less than a year later with no authorization to do so.  Penny reported that the contract with Gator indicates the crepe myrtles would be “trimmed between mid-January and mid-February each year” as part of the contract without charge. Barbara stated that she has not received an invoice from Gator for the pruning, so the topic was tabled until a future Board meeting.


Graffiti on Gunn Hwy. Wall – Wendy reported that the large area of graffiti painted on the Gunn Hwy. wall west of the entrance was covered first by Barbara with primer and then by Allen with wall paint remaining from the last painting project.  Penny filed an on-line report with the County Sheriff’s Dept. regarding the vandalism, but it was still an active investigation at the time of the meeting, and, therefore, not a public record, so she could not receive a copy of the report. She agreed to continue checking the website to report the outcome.  The topic was tabled for a future Board meeting.


County Special District Information Form – Penny reported receiving an email from Mary Mahoney, County Management & Budget, advising that all special districts are required to submit updated information forms each year by November 30, even if there are no changes. This form is used to update the County and State Commission on Ethics databases. Penny responded to Ms. Mahoney that the information form for Beacon Meadows had been updated and submitted to her in 2023.


Financial Disclosure Form 6 (Full and Public Disclosure of Financial Interests) – Penny reported receiving another email from Mary Mahoney advising that this new form is not applicable to special district trustees. She also advised that the Statement of Financial Interest (Form 1) will be emailed to all trustees of special districts and no longer mailed.  Trustees need to be on the lookout for this official email from the County Supervisor of Elections.  The form must be completed before July 2024. 


There being no further business, Steve made a motion, seconded by Penny, that the meeting be adjourned at 7:25 p.m. The motion was approved by a vote of 7-0.


Penny Phillips, Secretary ______________________­­


Wendy McCrorey, President ____________________

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